Exhibition view, I:project space, Octobre 2014.
 2014, Ink drawing on wall.
 Untitled, Ink on Wall.
 left: Ink drawing on wall by Annalena Müller. Bottom: Video installation by Peter Zhang. You can watch the videos he showed by clicking on these links:  http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjEwNjQ5MzQw.html   http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjI5NTc5NDIw.htm
 Untitled, Chinese chopping knife, mangosteen peel, 30 x 12 x 6cm.  
  A17 , 2014, Wooden chair, metal rod, chameleon car paint, 60 x 30 x 30 cm.
  Untitled , dried durian fruit peel, gold pigment.
 One of the many skylines of Beijing, Brush pen on paper, A3. Photographed outside in the courtyard of I:project space with the sunlight coming through Lao Han's wine leaves.
 Exhibition poster by Annalena Müller.
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